Install a Deploy Application on a Mobile Device

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Install a Deploy Application on a Mobile Device

Post by AriSilva »

The help says: •Tap on the menu icon or menu button and choose Add Application from the menu.
The problem is that when installing csentry (and choosing to install an example application), csentry shows directly this application, asking to start a new questionnaire, and the menu button does not have the "Add application entry".
This option is shown ONLY when you have more than one application installed.

Another related issue is that when you call csentry for the first time AND choose NOT to install the example application, csentry closes, and you do not have the opportunity to deploy anything either.
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Re: Install a Deploy Application on a Mobile Device

Post by aaronw »

Maybe it's more clear to say "In the Application Listing menu tap the menu icon or menu button and choose Add Application." This will also resolve your other issue. I will update the helps. Thanks for your feedback.
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Re: Install a Deploy Application on a Mobile Device

Post by AriSilva »

I´m not sure I made myself clear on this issue.
The problem is not in the text, but in the lack of the option itself in the menu.
First, if you are already inside the CSEntry, there is no way to click in the icon, at least it does not work on my cell nor in my tablet, using Android 5.1 and 4.5 respectively.
Second, if you installed CSEntry from scratch (on a new cell, for example), first it says that you do not have any application and asks if you want to install the example (CAPI).
If you say NO, it closes the CSEntry, which means, there is no way to use CSEntry unless you install the example application.
Even if you install the example application, as there will be only one application in the device, CSEntry will start this app directly, and the "Add a new application" option will not appear in the main menu, since this menu now is directed to the tasks related to a single application.

The conclusion I reached is that there is no way to use the DEPLOY to add a new application unless you have already more than one application installed in your device.

Try it yourself using a new machine, or a machine with no previous csentry whatsoever.
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Re: Install a Deploy Application on a Mobile Device

Post by josh »

We are not seeing the same thing at all.

If you start with a fresh install with no apps and you say "yes" to adding the example application then it shows the applications list (with just the Simple CAPI listed). If you then exit CSEntry and start it again it automatically starts SimpleCAPI. At this point, hit the back button and you will see the applications list screen where "Add application" will be in the menu.

If you start with a fresh install with no apps and you say "no" then it shows the About CSEntry screen. At this point, hit the back button to get the applications list screen where you can find "Add application" in the menu.
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Re: Install a Deploy Application on a Mobile Device

Post by AriSilva »

The key to this problem is solved by your instruction: "hit the back button".
I did not realize that I could hit this button to return to a previous screen in CSEntry, and be able to see the "Add a new application" button (my fault, I´m a beginner in this kind of android environment).
However, I would suggest that you write that in the csentry starting manual, or in the deploy help, something like:
"If the 'Add a New Application' option is not shown in the Menu, hit the back button to go to the csentry main menu".
Also, it might help if this is stated when the csentry is installed in the mobile, because if you do not hit the back button (and you did not accept the option to install the example), csentry will close.
Or this is just my problem due to my lack of familiarization with csentry/android?
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Re: Install a Deploy Application on a Mobile Device

Post by josh »

I'm not sure why it is closing on your device when you don't choose to install the example. I don't see that on my device.
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