Problems with upgrading to 7.6

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Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by Anne »

I was finally going to upgrade to version 7.6 today, but I encountered problems: All of my old applications crash without a word of complaint if I try to run them. I have tried to uninstall all versions of CSPro, make sure there's no cspro folders in c:\program files (x86),  reinstall version 7.6, and to reboot my computer and reinstall 7.6 yet another time. I also tried to manually change the "Version..." at the top of all the cspro files in the applications in desperation..

And finally I also tried the runoff.exe command from a command line prompt to see if I got any error messages, still nothing.

Any suggestions? I attach one of the old applications that crashes on my computer if I try to open it in version 7.6 (But it works fine on other computers with Cspr 7.6)
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Re: Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by aaronw »

Greg and I both ran your app without issue on 76. Does the same thing happen when you run a batch application?
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Re: Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by Anne »

Found out what the problem was: I had a virus on the computer and Windows defender made the CSBatch.exe file disappear until I restored it.

Now it work! Thanks for the help anyway, and sorry to have bothered you..
Gregory Martin
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Re: Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by Gregory Martin »

It's odd. When Aaron mentioned your issue I tested something too and had Windows Defender quarantine CSBatch as well. We've had false positives from other software before, but never Windows Defender.
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Re: Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by Anne »

It wasn't virus/windows defender after all: It seems all applications I made in CSPro 7.5 crashes if I try to run them using CSPro 7.6 - even the small, simple testingPffObject that I attached to the first post in this thread.

And right now I tried making a new application using the same dictionary (testingPffObject.dct) and the same happens: It crashes when I try running it. And it is the simplest dictionary possible.

Also tried to run 7.5 batch application and that worked fine using cspro 7.6

Any suggestions?
Gregory Martin
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Re: Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by Gregory Martin »

One thing you can try is to run a non-CAPI data entry application. The big change from 7.5 to 7.6 was the introduction of HTML question text, which uses an Edge browser control to display the question text. My guess is that is what is crashing, especially if CSBatch works. If CSEntry runs when not showing CAPI text, then that certainly would be the problem. Try, for example, this non-CAPI program in the examples folder:

1 - Data Entry\Computer Assisted Coding\CheckCode.pff

You might also consider installing the Edge browser control directly to see if that solves your problem. See more here: ... 452#p13986
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Re: Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by Anne »

Thank you, Greg.
Tried the non-CAPI application, and that worked fine, so I guess you're right about what parts don't work. But installing WebView2 as you suggested did not help.

I have a lot of weird stuff running on my computer including some .NET and ASP.NET programs (Windows server hosting, .NET core runtime, SDK, etc) that aren't necessarily the latest version (I currently need the old versions for another project of mine). Could this be the problem? Any other suggestions?

Gregory Martin
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Re: Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by Gregory Martin »

I can't think of any other suggestions. You are the only person who has reported issues with this. You can test this one final way by running a non-CAPI data entry application that executes logic like this:
That uses that WebView2 control, so if the program crashes when the view function launches, then WebView2 is definitely the problem.
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Re: Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by Anne »

Thanks again.

Tried the view(""); in a non-capi app, and it worked perfectly, so it seems we've narrowed it down to not being a WebView2 problem.

I've done some more testing, and it seems totally unpredictable what happens:
  • made a new CAPI app. It worked
  • ran the good old testingPffObject that never works. It crashed
  • made a new CAPI app using dictionary macros to copy the testingPffObject dictionary. It crashed
  • Made yet another CAPI app from scratch. It crashed
  • Rebooted my computer
  • Made another CAPI app. Crashed
  • Ran one of the CAPI apps that always worked. It worked still
  • Changed it to contain the view(""); just for good measssure. Still worked
  • Made a new CAPI app unsing csdb as datafile instead of none. It worked
  • Changed one of the apps that crashed to use csdb datafile. Still crashed
  • ...
This seems to be impossible to debug even..
Gregory Martin
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Re: Problems with upgrading to 7.6

Post by Gregory Martin »

This is all very weird. I guess the only remaining thing I can think to test is to:
  • Open your testingPffObject program in the CSPro 7.6 Designer.
  • Modify something and save. (This will make sure the question text is converted to HTML.)
  • Run and see if it crashes.
If it still crashes, then I have no clue, unfortunately.
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