QR Lecture

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QR Lecture

Post by vgonzalez »

Hello fellow CSPro users

I want to specify a question regarding running plug-in applications in CSEntry for Android OS, specifically to call Qr code readings (another QR App, meanwhile we wait for version 7.4) that we are implementing in Venezuela Census on CSEntry, but I don't have jet the solution to call the TeaCapps application Qr Reader, we use this app as a Spanish Qr reader solution and still have the correct name of the application to call it from CSPro. And the second question is how to read or copy it to the clipboard and then paste it into an Alpha field in the CSPro dictionary?

in advance, thanks to everyone
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Re: QR Lecture

Post by aaronw »

The call to QR & Barcode Reader should look like:
Our recommendation in general to have a 3rd party application communicate with CSPro is to have the 3rd party application write the data to a file and then have CSPro read it. It looks like QR & Bardcode Reader will export to a CSV file, so I would start by exploring that.
Gregory Martin
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Re: QR Lecture

Post by Gregory Martin »

As you may know, CSPro 7.4 will have barcode reading functionality. You will do something like this:
string upc_code = barcode.read("Position the tablet's camera around 10 centimeters from the UPC code and wait until the code is read");
We hope to have a beta version out in around two weeks that you can use to test.
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Re: QR Lecture

Post by htuser »

Hi Greg,
I hope you're fine and working very hard for the next innovative version.
Please do you think that relational schema (on Csdb/Csdbe so do CSWeb) support will be also ready for testing?
Thanks in advance for response,
G.VOLNY, a CSProuser from Haiti, since 2004
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Re: QR Lecture

Post by aaronw »

In 7.4 CSDB files will be relational and will be available in the next beta. CSWeb's conversion will happen later in our timeline.
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Re: QR Lecture

Post by htuser »

Thanks a lot Aaron.
Very good, nice to learn that CSDB will be relational. It's a first among any know CAPI platform! CSEntry applications will be more powerful, more intelligent and flexible!
CSWeb's conversion will happen later in our timeline
So,do you think it'll for a future 7.4 beta, or for a next version (may be called 7.5..)?
As you know, i'm waiting for it in CSWeb for coupling best in class dashboard: https://superset.apache.org/ with CSWeb!

Thanks in advance for response!
G.VOLNY, a CSProuser from Haiti, since 2004
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Re: QR Lecture

Post by aaronw »

It won't be in 7.4, but it seems like we are moving in that direction. I can't confirm a version as it hasn't been decided.
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Re: QR Lecture

Post by htuser »

Thanks for response. I read several innovative features and functionalities on the Github help and i'm very happy.
It won't be in 7.4
Doesn't have relational schema on 7.4 CSWeb isn't a good news for CSProusers.

However, i keep a small hope since
but it seems like we are moving in that direction
Best Regards,
G.VOLNY, a CSProuser from Haiti, since 2004
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Re: QR Lecture

Post by vgonzalez »

I am very grateful for your response, it has been effective and useful for the project that we are finalizing.

Although we are already considering that it would be very useful to use version 7.4 to have the domain of the returned value, since the application allows storing it in the clipboard, however, I do not know what function will allow me to paste it in a text field in CSPro or use the Onkey function and send the respective keys for pasting ?.

On the other hand, for its implementation I have concerns or doubts to be able to interact with other applications and multilevel management I have two additional questions:

Is there a way to view the registers and variables of a second level in the CSEntry?

Due to the institution's policies, should I use OS Ubuntu and emulate Windows Wine or VirtualBox, has anyone been able to install and use CSPro on these emulators? I ask this because even though I was able to install and use CSPro, I couldn't run the Data Viewer or Deploy Application tools
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Re: QR Lecture

Post by josh »

The beta version of CSPro 7.4 is now available. See https://www.csprousers.org/beta/.

Unfortunately there is no way to extract values from the clipboard from CSPro logic. Your interviewers would have to long press on the field and choose paste.

In a two level application you can only access the items in the second level when you are on a field in the second level. When you are fields in the first level, the second level fields are not available.

You can definitely use CSPro in a virtual machine and I have heard that it works on Wine as well although I have never tried it myself. If DataViewer and Deploy are not working that is most likely because you do not have the correct version of the .NET framework installed. You can download it from here https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework. CSPro requires version 4.5 or above.
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