Accessng the First proc (FF)

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Accessng the First proc (FF)

Post by AriSilva »

I know this is not a very important issue, but...
In the fmf screen, the left side shows the procs tree, where the very first node is the FF for the entire program.
By clicking in any name there the system is directed for the corresponding proc.
But a click in the very first one goes to the entire program, starting with the global proc.
Is there a way to go specifically to the FF proc? That is, to show only the contents of this proc?
If not, I would suggest to add a higher level in the tree and call it GLOBAL. By clicking in the global node the system would show the entire program, and by clicking in the FF, which would be below the global node in the tree would show ONLY the PROC FF contents.
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Re: Accessng the First proc (FF)

Post by AriSilva »

And, why not having all the function names also in the tree, just below the GLOBAL node, as they are shown in the program?
This would help very much in navigating through the program code.
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Re: Accessng the First proc (FF)

Post by josh »

Very good suggestions. We will look into it.
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