Edit or Automatic reload of *.ent file

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Edit or Automatic reload of *.ent file

Post by htuser »

Dear CSPro Developer Team,
I already discussed with you about the need of having a way to include external files in logic. However, i can see, in the last cut you continue to offer only the old fashion way of file--add files... and,even for new features such as HTML reporting.

It's because also, i continue with the indirect way of include files in the .ent file. Usually i open and edit it on Notepad++. I think it's more easy and productive of using this way.

However because of not supporting automatic reload, after each modification, i'm obliged to close ... Re-open CSPro Designer. When i managed the ordering issue with external logic files, it was far more convenient and fast to close ... Re-open the CSPro Designer. Once again, thanks to the latest invoke function who, until now, is freeing me.

If you can't offer a way to include Reports, Dictionaries, Ressources Folders, external logic files Etc. in logic, please can you offer us one of the following options:
a) Allow us to edit the *.ent in the CSPro Designer;
b) Allow us to edit *.ent in Notepad++ with Automatic reload of *.ent file for modifications propagations in the CSPro Designer.

Thanks in advance for giving us this feature.

G.VOLNY, a CSProuser from Haiti, since 2004
Gregory Martin
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Re: Edit or Automatic reload of *.ent file

Post by Gregory Martin »

We will consider this, though it's a very rare user who is hand-editing the .ent file, so it won't be the highest priority. However, you don't have to close the Designer to reload the file. You could do it pretty quickly:

1. Alt+F, C -> closes the file.
2. Alt+F, 1 -> opens the file most recently open.

If you're quick using shortcuts, you can do that in a second.
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Re: Edit or Automatic reload of *.ent file

Post by htuser »

though it's a very rare user who is hand-editing the .ent file
I always finding a way to speed up CSPro apps design... The better would be to have a way to include them in logic, in the GLOBAL PROC so they can be automatically written/propagated in the *.ent file.
We will consider this,
Please, please consider the logic/GLOBAL PROC definition of any external logic files, dictionaries, reports etc.

In the meantime, the
1. Alt+F, C -> closes the file.
2. Alt+F, 1 -> opens the file most recently open.

Is doing the Job.

G.VOLNY, a CSProuser from Haiti, since 2004
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