Sampling during field work

Discussions about syncing data via Bluetooth, Dropbox, FTP, and using CSWeb
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Amandla Shitaleni
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Sampling during field work

Post by Amandla Shitaleni »

Good Day

When using the DB to capture data instead of the .dat file, are you able to synchronize data from the interviewers tab to another tab (supervisor's tab) and then sample some households which you send back to the other tab (interviewer's tab).

Let say you have two interviewers and one supervisor. The interviewer lists the households and both send to supervisor, the supervisor samples the listed households and send the sample households to the interviewers for interviews. Are we also able to do this the DB?
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Re: Sampling during field work

Post by josh »

Yes, this is possible with the csdb file. csdb works with the Bluetooth peer to peer sync and you can draw a sample from it as well. When you sync a csdb file between supervisor and interviewer any cases that have changed (for example because supervisor set that they were selected for sample) will be updated on the interviewer tablet. The only potential issue is that if both the supervisor and the interviewer change the same case and they sync then CSPro will either pick the supervisors versions of the case or the interviewers version. CSPro cannot merge a case if it has been modified on two devices. In the case of sampling this shouldn't be a problem as long as only the supervisor is making changes to the file.
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Re: Sampling during field work

Post by Yass »

Hi Josh ,

If I understand him well and am also thinking of implementing same , the survey approach as you are aware is to do listing and select (sample) Household for interview.

Please is it possible to write out eligible households from listing exercise for interview into a new file that will use as "loadcase" for the household interview when the interviewer first sync with supervisor, the supervisor write out the household files and sync again with interviewer to have the sampled household for interview. I have seen an approach like that on this forum - "Two level Applications" , it seems complicated at my level :mrgreen: .

Hope your team can consider making it more easier in sampling from a listing frame and pass it for Household interview.

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Re: Sampling during field work

Post by josh »

Yes. That should certainly be possible just as you describe it and it should be much easier with csdb and smart sync than it was in version 6.3.
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Re: Sampling during field work

Post by Pinalli »

Hi Josh,
Could you please share an example so I could learn from that. Sounds good to know. Thank you.
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Re: Sampling during field work

Post by aaronw »

I wrote a simple application to demonstrate this. Run the menu and you'll have two choices:
  • Create sample (hardcoded)
  • Select from sample
Create sample (hardcoded) will write case 2 and 5 from listing.csdb to sample.csdb. Select from sample will create a dynamic value set from the cases in sample.csdb. The selection could then be used to pre-fill the household questionnaire for the selected house (not done).
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Re: Sampling during field work

Post by Pinalli »

Thanks aaronw. Really appreciate it
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Re: Sampling during field work

Post by mussabahire »

What if the Listing has a roster?
Household numbers are in a roster and you want to sample all households who have a filter question q1 as "Yes".
Kindly help/
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Re: Sampling during field work

Post by aaronw »

It's the same general idea. I loop through the roster wrangling the data and then write the case.
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