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Copy Table from previous case

Posted: September 22nd, 2014, 8:36 am
by rameshpal99
Dear Sir,

I am create a program. In this program 2 case add with same respondent. I am entered household information table only for one case and using second case for respondent line number selecting.

Ramesh Pal

Re: Copy Table from previous case

Posted: September 25th, 2014, 11:47 am
by Gregory Martin
There is no way to directly access the information from one case while entering another case. Why are you separating the data that you are entering into two cases instead of keeping it as one case?

If you want to share data between cases, you are best advised to maintain an external file that will contain this shared file. You can read from and write to this file from anywhere in your program, so that is a good way to pass data back and forth. You can look at the CSPro functions loadcase and writecase to learn more about this.