Deploying files on csweb

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Posts: 26
Joined: March 18th, 2024, 4:18 am

Deploying files on csweb

Post by Habtamu »

Dear Teams
How are all of you doing? I need support deploying files in csweb server with the Path
AgrCensus/Prog/ but when Iam deployed it. I give Package name AgrCensus it deploys only AgrCensus folder on the server, but I need it AgrCensus/Prog/, I need all Pen Files and Pff files in the prog, please help me.

Thank you
Gregory Martin
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Re: Deploying files on csweb

Post by Gregory Martin »

There is no way, using CSDeploy, to specify that you want the application deployed to a specific subdirectory. Why do you need this specific path?

You can always:

1) Use CSDeploy to deploy to a "Local folder."
2) Upload the files from this folder (using syncfile) to a specific location on CSWeb.

However, that will not properly register your files as an application that can be synced by CSWeb.
Posts: 26
Joined: March 18th, 2024, 4:18 am

Re: Deploying files on csweb

Post by Habtamu »

Thank you, Gregory Martin, for quick response, really, I appreciate you always for response on each of my request. Thank you so much
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