All fields in the database tables are generated as longtext when using csweb:proccess-cases
Posted: May 22nd, 2024, 2:25 pm
Dear all,
I am currently using cspro 8 and csweb 8 for data capture, but with the resulting database I have a problem when running the process:cases (relational database copy creation process php console csweb:process-cases), all the fields no matter that in the cspro dictionary are defined as numeric, in the replicated database they are assigned the longtext data type, why is this?
I am currently using cspro 8 and csweb 8 for data capture, but with the resulting database I have a problem when running the process:cases (relational database copy creation process php console csweb:process-cases), all the fields no matter that in the cspro dictionary are defined as numeric, in the replicated database they are assigned the longtext data type, why is this?