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error in downloading a file

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 12:38 pm
by AriSilva
Hi folks,
I´ve got a very weird message trying to get a file from the server (please, see it attached).
I´ve tried dufferebt ways to load (put) the file to the server, nothing worked.
But, my last try was to use the dataviewer to save the csdb as a dat file, sort it sing the sort utility, generating a new csdb file, load it to the server, and thanks God, it worked.
Is there a way to understand this problem?

Re: error in downloading a file

Posted: November 1st, 2023, 3:32 pm
by aaronw
An unhandled exception is a generic error. I can't really say what is occurring. However, take a look at this thread. Your issue may be related.
