insert command using a qualifier for the record name

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insert command using a qualifier for the record name

Post by AriSilva »

Hi folks,
I have an application using a main dictionary and an external one, both having the same record names (the dictionaries have different names).
For example, both have the PERSON record.
If I try inserting a record, such as in
Naturally I get a compiler error, saying that
The symbol 'PERSON' exists more than once in your application so you must provide qualifiers (such as the dictionary name) to avoid ambiguity
Then I qualify with the dictionary name
Then I get another error message saying
Record, group or multiple item name expected
Which appears to me that I cannot have duplicate record names in different dictionaries. Is that so?
Gregory Martin
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Re: insert command using a qualifier for the record name

Post by Gregory Martin »

You'll have to give more details, like if this is an entry or batch application. It would be easier to test if you posted (or emailed) the two dictionaries.

The insert function takes a "group," not a record, so BRUMA3_10_ENTREVISTA_DICT.PERSON won't work because the dictionary prefix will specifically be interpreted as a record. Things get tricky because for external dictionaries the group and record names are identical, but I imagine there is a way for you to get your code to work.
Posts: 619
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Re: insert command using a qualifier for the record name

Post by AriSilva »

Hi Greg,
I´m sorry I´ve posted this issue under Editing, I should have posted it under Entry.
Anyway, please see the attached snipet with the compuler error (I´m faking the insert on an external file, and it works if not for the duplicate record names).
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Gregory Martin
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Re: insert command using a qualifier for the record name

Post by Gregory Martin »

Sadly, I can't figure out any way to get this to compile. The "parent" that you could use to differentiate which "group" you're looking for would be something like this, __EFlow_BRUMA2COL_10_ENTREVISTA_DICT.D_Morador, but the compiler is not designed to handle those "external flows" when evaluating the symbol.

So, unfortunately, there is no way to do this (as of CSPro 7.7) without renaming one of your dictionary records.
Posts: 619
Joined: July 22nd, 2016, 3:55 pm

Re: insert command using a qualifier for the record name

Post by AriSilva »

"renaming one of your dictionary records."
That´s what I did.
Thanks anyway
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