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Help Please..

Posted: October 22nd, 2012, 11:21 pm
by Epherjohn
Hey Everyone,

I'm really new at CSpro 4.0. im task to export survey data and migrate that data to our Resident Information System. i got it by exporting the data via export tool as "tad-Delimited", 'Multiple FIles" and "As Separate Records."

were using MS SQL 2k8 as aback end of our Resident Information System. what i did was just import the tab delimted files (.txt) to MS SQL. then i did our the migration by defining a stored procedure. while checking my migrated result. i found out that there were mulitiple records of the same person of the same information. so i investigate my script. and it was OK. then i investigated the my imported tables (imported tab-delimited files) and i found out that there were records in the Household Information that were using the same control number(HCN). and i need that HCN to be unique because that HCN is what i used to connect with other tables that i imported in SQL.

so my question is, is there a way to correct this control number (HCN) before i can export it as tab-Delimited file.

I really need help.

Re: Help Please..

Posted: October 31st, 2012, 11:48 am
by Gregory Martin
Are you saying that your data file has duplicate cases? If so, you have to figure out a way to resolve the problem.

1) You can use the Index Files tools that comes with CSPro to remove duplicate cases from a data file. However, you need to make sure that the cases that you're removed are actually duplicate cases.

2) If you have cases with the same ID but different data, then you'll need to decide whether you want to remove one of the cases, or if you want to modify the case ID of the duplicated case. This is possible using a batch edit program.

Perhaps you can explain your problem in a bit more detail. If your problem actually isn't with duplicate cases but is instead with having multiple records for a given (multiply-occurring) record, then you might consider using the "All in One Record" export option.