Maximum number of simultaneous connections

Discussions about syncing data via Bluetooth, Dropbox, FTP, and using CSWeb
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Joined: July 22nd, 2016, 3:55 pm

Maximum number of simultaneous connections

Post by AriSilva »

Hi folks,
The National Statistical Office (ONE) of the Dominican Republic is asking me if I can help them to solve a specific problem of the maximum number of simultaneous connections with a CsWeb server.
I´m not an expert in these matters, so I´m not sure I can be of any service.
What is this maximum?
Is there a way to change that?
The only thing I can think of is the php cofiguration file for the csweb. Is there any parameter in this file that can be adjusted?
They need this answer very quickly, since they are starting their demographic census in the field in a couple of days.
Do you happen to have a telephone number that can help the users on this kind of emergency?
Posts: 164
Joined: December 27th, 2012, 1:36 pm

Re: Maximum number of simultaneous connections

Post by savy »

Aaron sent you a document with performance optimizations that can be done on the server. In addition to having these optimizations configuration in place, a high performing server with SSD storage will significantly improve the number of concurrent connections. The computation for concurrent connections is done based on number of requests process per second by the server. A server processing 10 requests/second translate to 36,000 requests per hour. So, a ballpark estimate would be in a one hour period about 36K devices can sync to the server. We have had CSWeb used in countries with about 200k devices in the field without any issues. Obvisouly all the 200K devices are not syncing at the same time, if you have the server performance tuned to be able to process 10-15 requests/second you should be fine in most cases.
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