Auto entry link ID etc.

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Auto entry link ID etc.

Post by shakwat.khan »

I don't know how to link. Only those who have line numbers in HH_MNCH5DIS2022 entry programed data variable HL9, HL10, HL11 or HL13 will be selected and auto entry ID, line number etc. in this RS_MNCH5DIS2022 program. I need to know how to auto select. Kindly help me for update the program.

Please see the attached.
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Re: Auto entry link ID etc.

Post by sherrell »

Hi Shakwat,

I see you're trying to determine if a HH member qualifies as an eligible woman (HL9), child under 5 (HL10), or adolescent boy (HL11). However, in the R5 application, only one woman and one child under 5 can be interviewed (and I see no question block for adolescent boys). Is that correct?

Within the R5 app, do you want to interview one person from each of the qualifying subcategories, or everyone who qualifies? For right now, the R5 app only allows one woman or child to be interviewed.

If you only want one person for each qualifying category, you need to choose that person. On the cover page for R5 where you're asking for RHL9, RHL10, RHL11, I would recommend doing a loadcase of HH_MNCH5DIS2022 (which I never see happening, only a loadcase of List_MNCH5DisBase), and building a list of persons (using ) who met each criteria. The interviewer can then choose who to interview in the WOMEN+ or CHILD+ block/section.

If you want to interview everyone who is eligible in each category, then you would have to restructure your application to allow this.

If you write back with additional Qs, providing at least one test case for the HH and R5 applications would help a lot. Besides this app having a lot of Qs to provide data for, since most Q text being in Hindi, it makes it difficult to understand what is happening and hence, add a test case.

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Re: Auto entry link ID etc.

Post by shakwat.khan »

Qualifies person/personnel Everyone selected for RS apps.
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Re: Auto entry link ID etc.

Post by shakwat.khan »

I would like to interview everyone who qualifies. Please sent a example program. It's helpful for me?
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Re: Auto entry link ID etc.

Post by sherrell »

Hi Shakwat,

I do see the last two forms of your RS application (and last record of the corresponding DCF) collect info on the adolescents, apologies there.

What you're trying to do is reasonably sophisticated, and so we don't have any examples of this. When I have seen it done, there's usually a controlling (menu) application that directs the overall operation.

- First, one interviewer would collect the HH application where it collects information on all persons within the HH.
- After that is complete, control returns to the menu application, where this information is shared (via bluetooth) to other interviewers, if more than one interviewer will be collecting data for the HH.
- The menu app would then control entry into the individual-level data entry app (R5 in your case). How this choice is made can be done in several ways.

If there are 2+ interviewers in the HH, you can add an assignment module, where the HH-level interviewer assigns each person to a specific interviewer. Or, this can just be a verbal agreement among the interviewers as to who will interview who. When this happens, from the menu application, each interviewer will choose a person from the list of all possible persons. You would drop into your R5 application and collect data just for that person. When finished, control will pass back to your menu application.

When everyone is done with data collection for the HH, the data should be combined into a single file. At that point generally some type of program is run to ensure everyone who was eligible in the HH for interview got interviewed, and that their case data is "complete" (i.e., not a partial case, or not missing).

Hope this helps.

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Re: Auto entry link ID etc.

Post by shakwat.khan »

Dear Sherrell
For 2+ interviewers in the HH, I have add an module (menu) as per your instructions. See if it's okay. Any variable adds? Now what do I have to do?
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Re: Auto entry link ID etc.

Post by sherrell »

Many example programs come installed with CSPro. Several of the data entry apps have menu applications which would be relevant to your situation. Two that I would recommend are the first, a basic menu, but it covers synching (via BT or dropbox), some basic reporting, etc (330 lines):

%UserProfile%\Documents\CSPro\Examples 7.7\1 - Data Entry\Labor Force Survey\Menu

A more in-depth menuing program can be found here (almost 1,300 lines):

%UserProfile%\Documents\CSPro\Examples 7.7\1 - Data Entry\CAPI Census\Menu

Note there is a "readme.txt" file in the root directories that explains what's happening.

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Re: Auto entry link ID etc.

Post by shakwat.khan »

Dear Sherrell
I was follow the example. I was trying a bit. But I do not understand what to do.
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Re: Auto entry link ID etc.

Post by sherrell »

Hi Shakwat,

Unfortunately we are a very small group here at the Census Bureau and so we don't have the resources to offer lengthy programming assistance. This is one of the reasons we distribute the examples folder with the CSPro installation, so that users can utilize the logic there. However, we don't cover all topics, and we unfortunately don't cover the exact process you're looking for.

A key issue is will there be one interviewer per HH or 2+? If more than one, then that will create more work as you need to share the HH roster info among the interviewers as I mentioned earlier. For now, assume it's one interviewer. Get that working and then deal with sharing the info via bluetooth. I would suggest having a menu application like the following:

- change the HH IDs (which would be passed in to the below applications and cannot be modified therein)
- launch the HH QRE (HH_MNCH5DIS2022.ent)
- choose a person to interview (either the woman's, adolescent, or children < 5 QRE, in RS_MNCH5DIS2022.ent)
- exit the application

Right now you have the woman's, adolescent, and under 5 data all being collected in a single application. You can keep it this way of course, you just have to pass in a parameter that says where you want the program to start.

The "choose a person to interview" would be a selcase where you list all persons needing to be interviewed. Whoever they choose, pass in those ID values to the RS_MNCH5DIS2022.ent, again not allowing the interviewer to modify these values. Exit after they've entered the data. If you don't want them modifying data after it's been collected, then add a flag variable to the RESPONDENT record which you can check to see if they've collected this info (using loadcase).

Hope this helps.
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