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Mistyping Large Values on the PDA

Posted: March 1st, 2012, 5:25 pm
by Guest
We are currently doing an expenditure survey where enumerators have to ask for (and fill in) household expenditures in a PDA using CSPRO mobile. I notice that enumerators make many mistakes in the number of zeros they put in. For instance, if the household answers 9000000, enumerators easily make the mistake of typing 900000 0r 90000000. This will of course lead to huge misrepresentations.

Is there a way of displaying numbers more clearly, so that it’s easier for the enumerator to check the figure before they click on “Nxt”? For instance by displaying it as 9,000,000 instead of 9000000?

Re: Mistyping Large Values on the PDA

Posted: April 5th, 2012, 2:42 am
by Gregory Martin
This might be a bit cumbersome, but you could write a function to verify that the enumerator intended to write these large values. The cumbersome part comes in that you have to call this function after every variable that might contain a large number.

alpha (32) str;

function confirmLargeValue(value)

if value >= 100000 then
if ( errmsg("Did you mean %s?",edit("ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9",value)) select("Yes",continue,"No",continue) ) = 2 then
            str =
reenter str;





