Batch synchronization

Discussions about syncing data via Bluetooth, Dropbox, FTP, and using CSWeb
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Batch synchronization

Post by AriSilva »

Hi folks,
Is there a way to do a synchronization from the interviewer to the server for all the collected questionnaires at the end of the day? Or do you have to do it in a one-by-one basis?
For example, the interviewer does the data collection for several households, and then, at the end of the day, when s/he returns from the field, s/he syncs all her/his production to the server.
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Re: Batch synchronization

Post by htuser »

Hi Ari,
The sync of data (files or others) in Cspro isn't performed automatically. You should write codes inside logic to manage it. So, you can easily sync based on date, times, questionnaire number etc. The parameter you must use is universe within sync.
Please let me know how i can help you more.

Thanks in advance,
G.VOLNY, a CSProuser from Haiti, since 2004
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Re: Batch synchronization

Post by josh »

CSPro 7 uses "smart synchronization". When the interviewer performs a synchronization on a data file, CSPro uploads all cases from the interviewers device that are new or have changed since the last synchronization. It does not upload the cases that have already been uploaded in a previous synchronization. In order to facilitate this CSPro keeps track of which cases have been changed as well the date/time of each synchronization. You do not have to synchronize each individual case. In fact, it is much harder to synchronize individual cases - you would need to use the universe for that as Gregory mentions. So if the interviewer synchronizes once at the end of the day, it will send all cases that were entered or updated that day.

Note that "smart synchronization" only applies to CSPro data files (csdb files). It does not apply to other file types that are synchronized using syncfile.
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Re: Batch synchronization

Post by AriSilva »

I´m sorry, I think I posted it wrong.
I was thinking about an application that is driven by a menu, which uses a cspro file with a list of possible addresses.
After executing the interviews, this cspro file with the list of the addresses is updated with the results of the interviews.
In the synchronization, besides sending the household data, I would like to send also the cspro file with the updated list of addresses.
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Re: Batch synchronization

Post by josh »

Maybe I'm not understanding correctly, but I'm not sure what the difference would be. Assuming you store each address as a different case in the addresses data file, when you synchronize the addresses file (using syncdata), CSPro will send only the addresses that have been added or updated since the last time the file was synchronized.
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Re: Batch synchronization

Post by AriSilva »

This will work only using CSWeb, not dropbox, is in´t it?
Posts: 2399
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Re: Batch synchronization

Post by josh »

It will work with CSWeb, Dropbox and FTP.
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