Fit Windows to Questions in Android

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Joined: June 23rd, 2014, 5:37 am

Fit Windows to Questions in Android

Post by Andrew »

Hi All,

I am trying to transition a survey from a normal CSPro data entry form across to Android. It has been pretty straight forward thus far but I am encountering an issue where the "Fit Windows to Questions" does not appear to work in Android. The question shows up in the android app but is limited to 7 lines which can be scrolled to show the additional lines. This wouldn't be that big a problem but there isn't anything in the window that indicates that you need to scroll to show the rest of the question. Selecting the "Fit Windows to Questions" in CAPI options does not solve this problem. Ideally, when this option is selected in CSPro, it would then display the whole question in Android. Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.
Gregory Martin
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Re: Fit Windows to Questions in Android

Post by Gregory Martin »

That "Fit Windows to Questions" feature only applies to the display of CAPI applications on the Windows platform. The way the Android UI was designed was to limit the CAPI text to a certain height and require scrolling. You're right that there isn't anything in the window to indicate that you need to scroll, but the lack of scrollbars is standard on Android devices. However, I can see that that could be problematic, especially if the CAPI text has line breaks and thus an interviewer might think that the question is complete, even though it continues on additional lines.

We'll think about ways to address this issue to make it clearer to interviewers that the CAPI question text doesn't completely fit on the screen.
Posts: 2
Joined: June 23rd, 2014, 5:37 am

Re: Fit Windows to Questions in Android

Post by Andrew »

Thanks for explaining this -- much appreciated!
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