Checkbox Dataset

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Joined: March 18th, 2024, 4:18 am

Checkbox Dataset

Post by Habtamu »

Dear Cspro developers' teams

I appreciated you are responding each request we are asking for help; I want to request some modifications on checkbox data capturing, it think better to put each captured response in separate item, for example if response is 1,2,5 it puts data 125 this makes difficult to Analys's data can we capture it separately.

Thank you for your help.
Posts: 608
Joined: July 9th, 2012, 11:32 am
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan

Re: Checkbox Dataset

Post by khurshid.arshad »

Dear Habtamu;

See attached example. In this example i have used item and subitems. And when you export the data, please select option "Both items and subitems" under the Export Items or Subitems heading.

You will get the result as per your requirement.
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