More universal programming language

What would you like to see in CSPro?
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Posts: 43
Joined: August 27th, 2016, 1:11 pm

More universal programming language

Post by lestcape »

Once CSPro have a lot of API in javascript should have sense also provide one of the follow:
  • A way to translate CSPro logic language to javascript. Can be provide the tokens and the gramatic of the language or better directly something functional:
  • A way of write the logic in javascript instead/as an option, of the current cspro programing language.
Gregory Martin
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Re: More universal programming language

Post by Gregory Martin »

This is actually sort of on the way. If you open CSCode in 8.0, you can see that you can run JavaScript, executed via QuickJS. Our plan (for 8.1) is to allow JavaScript to be included as part of an application. One of the goals of the newly introduced Action Invoker is to create a cross-language scripting language.
Posts: 43
Joined: August 27th, 2016, 1:11 pm

Re: More universal programming language

Post by lestcape »

Excellent!! :D Thanks for all the works done Gregory and the team.

That will help others to create a CSPro clients for Linux, for the web and more. I never like the idea of the use of a custom language, but It wasn't until recently that it became apparent (thanks to all the work done on the javascript API) that the switch to using javascript was no longer going to be so complex.
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