How to select 5% people in a roster (randomly)

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How to select 5% people in a roster (randomly)

Post by manojorb »

Dear Sir,

How to automatically select 5% people in a roster (randomly) and people name should be shown in a dialog box.

Gregory Martin
Posts: 1796
Joined: December 5th, 2011, 11:27 pm
Location: Washington, DC

Re: How to select 5% people in a roster (randomly)

Post by Gregory Martin »

I would suggest maintaining an array (or using a repeating item in the working storage dictionary) to maintain a flag of whether or not you have sampled a given occurrence.

Then loop through the people in your roster, and write something like this:
numeric number_to_select = {fill this in somehow, making it a whole number};
numeric number_selected = 0;
numeric occurrence_number;

while number_selected < number_to_select do

do occurrence_number = 1 while number_selected < number_to_select and occurrence_number <= totocc(PERSON)

if random(1,100) <= 5 then
            FLAG(occurrence_number) =


After this loop runs, you have your 5% sample (where FLAG = 1), and you can add these people to a roster of selected persons.
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