GNSS true height

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GNSS true height

Post by htuser »

Dear CSPro Developer Team,
The problem
Android location API function give only ellipsoid altitude,but not the true (geoid). Since CSPro use the GetAltitude() function for the GPS function in logic, it doesn't display the true height. This prevent us using theses data in spatial analysis based on height, very important, among other in agricultural census and survey.

The solution:
Fortunately several developers are thinking about and find a solution using
android.location.OnNmeaMessageListener : ... tener.html
and parse results for extract MSL height ... 9#44518339

Several open source parser exist for simplify this, among others: ... r_java.htm

So, we would like that the CSProuser community to benefit this feature.
Using the android.location.OnNmeaMessageListener way can allow us to have a more fast Latitude, Longitude.

Thanks in advance for implement it!

G.VOLNY, a CSProuser from Haiti, since 2004
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