A 100 10 203: syntax errors detected

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Joined: October 17th, 2014, 3:17 am

A 100 10 203: syntax errors detected

Post by Domse »

Dear all,

I woud much appreciate any helpful response.

I just compiled my first data entry software for quite a complex questionnaire. It all seems to work pretty well. Obviously, I got some test entries done first I then exported the data into STATA. It told me that some of my variables had invalid variable names. I think they are just too long. So I went back into the dictionary and assigned shorter names to those variables.

The next time I wanted to run the data entry software, it told me:

A 100 10 203: syntax errors detected.

I assume it must be because of the new item name. Funnily, it must be something specific to this item. It is not linked to any skip pattern but part of a roster. I assume that this is the problem.

Could that be the explanation? And furthermore, what is the solution? How can I
- either solve the problem of 'too long' variable names in STATA (i know this is not the right form here),
- or how can I change the name of items in a roster without performing any sysntax errors.

I would much appreciate any response and hope the level of detail is enough.


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