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Seeing sync files in the csweb

Posted: February 9th, 2020, 9:27 am
by AriSilva
I´ve done some tests on uploading files to the server, like:
sourceDir = "*.jpg";
outputDir = "/Bruma/";
if syncconnect(CSWeb, servidor) then
if syncfile(PUT, sourceDir, outputDir) then
errmsg("funcionou subir");
errmsg("falhou subir");

And I know that it worked because I could dowonload them:
from_Path = "/Bruma/*.jpg";
to_Path = "./saida/";
if syncconnect(CSWeb, servidor) then
if syncfile(GET, from_Path, to_Path) then
errmsg("funcionou baixar");
errmsg("falhou baixar");

The problem is: How could I know which files were uploaded into the server? When I go to my server using the /ui/dashboard they are not shown there, it shows just the dictionary data, not the individual files.

Re: Seeing sync files in the csweb

Posted: February 10th, 2020, 7:52 am
by josh
They are not displayed in the web interface. Look in the csweb/files directory of your server. You will find them there.

Re: Seeing sync files in the csweb

Posted: February 11th, 2020, 6:28 am
by AriSilva
In this case, don´t you think it should be a matter for "new features", having a tab in the dashboard to show those files?

Re: Seeing sync files in the csweb

Posted: February 11th, 2020, 9:54 am
by aaronw
I think this is the first time we have gotten this request. However, this does sound useful.

Re: Seeing sync files in the csweb

Posted: February 13th, 2020, 6:22 pm
by AriSilva
I tried to see my uploaded files in CSWEB\files, as you said, but they are not there.
The only file which is there is a .gitignore file dated 2016.
Plz see the attached file.
I am sure that I uploaded two jpg files because after doing that, as I explained in the first entry of this issue, I´ve done a get from the same site and directed the files to another folder, and it worked.
So, I really do not know what is happening.

Re: Seeing sync files in the csweb

Posted: February 17th, 2020, 6:39 am
by AriSilva
Finally I´ve found out where the files go in the server:
They are not in csweb/files. At least in my case they go to INANI/files, where INANI comes from the upload path,