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Dropbox sync

Posted: October 7th, 2014, 3:37 am
by goldenophelia

For the latest version of the Android app, we are now able to sync data with dropbox. So I created a folder in my dropbox called 'syncfiles'. If I just add '/syncfiles' as a path, should it be able to sync my files? Or should the path be named differently? Because even though it doesn't give an error and it seems connected, syncing is still not possible. Do we need to create something else (a special sync file)? Will it sync the data with dropbox? I don't need it to sync any applications, just to store the data to dropbox as we'll have many enumerators on the field at the same time. If I need to create something else, could someone please explain how to do it? I don't really understand how to create .pnc files, for example.

Thanks a million!

Re: Dropbox sync

Posted: October 10th, 2014, 8:21 am
by josh
You need to a sync spec file (.pnc file) to your DropBox folder. See ... zation.htm for details.

Re: Dropbox sync

Posted: October 13th, 2014, 11:06 pm
by enkhbayar
in which folder *.pnc file located in a android device? or is it located in the some config file?
old pnc file info appears with new one when I try to sync. how can I remove old one?

Re: Dropbox sync

Posted: October 15th, 2014, 8:23 am
by josh
You don't put the sync spec (.pnc) file on the Android device yourself. You put the .pnc file in a Dropbox folder on the PC. When you do sync setup you then enter the path to that Dropbox folder and CSEntry will download the sync spec file onto your device. For example, on my PC I put my .pnc file in C:\Users\Josh\Dropbox\csprosync\ Then on the Android device I enter /csprosync in sync setup and it will give the option to download

When the .pnc is downloaded onto your device it is put in a hidden place. We do this because in the case of FTP sync you might have your password in the .pnc file. If you modify the sync spec file on your PC you will need to do sync setup again to download it to your Android device again and overwrite the original one with the same name.

Re: Dropbox sync

Posted: November 12th, 2014, 5:11 pm
by Saadani2014
I have a problem to ensure a connection between csentry on android and dropbox. I have an error message like "Authorization denied for csentry". So, how can i have the permission to connect csentry with dropbox?
Thank you for your help.

Re: Dropbox sync

Posted: November 14th, 2014, 9:59 am
by josh
When you do the sync setup with Dropbox it should transfer you to a web page which asks you for a username and password for Dropbox and then asks you to allow CSEntry to connect to your Dropbox account. If those steps are not done then you will get the error about authorization failing. Please try doing the sync setup again and see if the problem reoccurs.

Re: Dropbox sync

Posted: November 18th, 2014, 5:39 am
by arkagwa
An occurred while synchronizing files, an error occurred while downloading file to /storage/emulated/0/csentry/CSPROSYNC/UG FORM.pen
I created folder CSPROSYNC in my dropbox in my pc for snychronization and put in file in the folder. The data entry application folder is UG FORM located inside CSPROSYNC with one case in datafile called UGDATA

what might be the problem. i dont know anything about .pen file

Re: Dropbox sync

Posted: November 18th, 2014, 10:11 am
by arkagwa
This is file located in CSPROSYNC folder

version=CSPro 6.0


ServerPath=/UG FORM
CreateClientPath=/UG FORM
ClientPath=/UG FORM

Get=UG FORM.pen
Get=UG FORM.pff


i have tried to locate content of UG FORM in dropbox and inside CSPROSYNC both options give the same error mentioned above. i have also noticed that there is no file with extension .pen in my UG entry folder. where will this program pick from??

Re: Dropbox sync

Posted: November 18th, 2014, 1:54 pm
by Gregory Martin
If your data entry application is called UG FORM, then the two files you need to run the application on your device are UG FORM.pen and UG FORM.pff. Dropbox will look for them here:


It will attempt to download them to a folder on your tablet named UG FORM.

If those files don't exist in your Dropbox folder, then you need to:

1) Add them to the folder.
2) Remove those lines from your .pnc file. The lines are only necessary if you want to update your application with whatever version you have in your Dropbox account.

If you only want to upload your data, you can probably write something like this:

ServerPath=/UG FORM
ClientPath=/UG FORM

Re: Dropbox sync

Posted: November 26th, 2014, 1:07 am
by dushyant
i am not able to synchronize application, I follow all steps but no result in connection with dropbox, csentry engine is connected with dropbox successfully but synchronize button is still not active in my mobile device, please help.
