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Data Missmatch due to dictionary editing

Posted: January 19th, 2024, 12:29 pm
by mringo
Hello Everyone
We are conducting data collection using Android CSEntry. The data collection is ongoing now, but we noted a data mismatch due to some editing that we have made along the way. We noted that, without knowing the consequences, we changed the starting point for several questions. We are using Dropbox as our server. What can I do to resolve the issue of the mismatch? What if I delete everything from Dropbox, make a new deployment of pen and pff and inform researchers to update the menu and make data sync from their tablets? Will it help??. Please assist.

Re: Data Missmatch due to dictionary editing

Posted: January 20th, 2024, 11:52 am
by etuser
Can you please check the dictionary under the Dropbox, which is found under Cspro/DataSync /... . I think the dictionary found on the Dropbox might be the older version, if you can replace that dictionary with the newer version, I hope things will be okay, here make sure the naming of the dictionary , it should be the same.

Re: Data Missmatch due to dictionary editing

Posted: January 22nd, 2024, 4:52 pm
by sherrell
We definitely do not recommended changing the apps mid-stream, especially the dictionary.

Our recommendation is to:

1. Move the old data into an archive folder
2. Deploy the new applications
3. Make sure the updated apps are downloaded on all tablets
4. Now when syncing the cases are uploaded again
5. Later on you should validate the old and new data to ensure everything looks good.
