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Problems with CSPro 7.5.1

Posted: January 15th, 2021, 9:52 am
by arkagwa
Kindly assist me with the following problems I am facing with new CSPro 7.5.1 in android tablets

You can save partially, but when re-assuming the data entry in tablet, does not send you to where you ended. The previous version used to ask "do want to proceed where you saved/ended?" You will need to restart the interview because the app does not remember the answers unless you cancel the interview

Likewise, you can't edit or modify the completed cases. When you tap modify, the questions become empty without answers
Is this problem associated with new encrypted db???

Re: Problems with CSPro 7.5.1

Posted: January 15th, 2021, 3:33 pm
by josh
This is a bug in the CSPro 7.5.1 that only occurs when you use the case listing with map. We are currently working on a patch.