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Data Entry with 2 level data dictionary

Posted: May 20th, 2019, 11:09 pm
by zhilas
I would like to ask for assistance regarding my problem in data entry. I created 2 data entry with 2 level dictionary. first level is for household members and second level for individual members. my problem is after encoding in second level (individual members) the data encoded in household and individual cannot save. after accepting the case they skip to the first data item in individual members which is the line number no cases save. please help me.

thank you very much in advance.

Re: Data Entry with 2 level data dictionary

Posted: May 21st, 2019, 2:54 am
by zhilas
I already save the data encoded in household level and individual level but for single household member only. I have 4 household members and i have to encode it seperately in individual level.

here's my code


// MEMBERS000 -> list of members in household level (roster) - FORM 1
// MEM_LNO -> line number of member in individual level (single item) - FORM 2

do varying i = 1 unti i > totocc(MEMBERS000)
if C5_AGE(i) in 10:64 then

totMem = count(MEMBERS000 where C5_AGE(i) in 10:64);

if totMem = REST_LNO then


Thank you very much..

Re: Data Entry with 2 level data dictionary

Posted: May 21st, 2019, 4:39 am
by josh
If all you have are a household record and an individual level then you don't need two levels. Use a single level with a single record for household and multiply occurring record for the individuals. See the CAPI census example or the Popstan Census example in the examples directory. Keeping it to one level will make it much easier.