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Get keystrokes info

Posted: April 25th, 2019, 6:15 am
by khurshid.arshad
Dear CSPro Team;

Can i get information about keystrokes from "keying_instance" table. I want to use this information to control copy and paste.

Example: There are two variables A and B

Get the number of keystrokes on postproc from the A Variable and compare with B variable on postproc of B variable.


Re: Get keystrokes info

Posted: April 25th, 2019, 10:22 am
by Gregory Martin
That keying_instance table only contains information for the entire interaction with a case, so it doesn't have the detail you want on a per-field basis.

Are you working on Windows? How are people pasting? Ctrl+V triggers verify mode. On multiline text fields you can right-click and paste, but in any case that wouldn't be something that you would see in a keystroke table.

Re: Get keystrokes info

Posted: April 25th, 2019, 10:49 am
by khurshid.arshad
Dear Gregory;

I hope you are doing well.

What i am trying to do on Android Table is:

The length of Variable A and B is 12 in my dictionary and i am using these two variables for contact number.

Enumerator will enter the same number twice to minimize the type error.

Currently the enumerator is copying and pasting the contact number from A to B.

Now the scenario is that when the cursor is moved from Variable A to B, the total keystrokes is 109. If enumerator paste the value in variable B, the keystrokes will be 110 or 111 instead of (109+12=121) keystrokes.

This will allow me to control the copy and paste issue.

I hope all this make sense.

Best regards.

Re: Get keystrokes info

Posted: April 26th, 2019, 10:16 am
by Gregory Martin
On Android we don't even keep track of keystrokes. The thought process was that keystrokes are useful as a metric for key-from-paper applications, but on a mobile device, they make less sense. For example, would selecting a radio button or a text box count as a keystroke? It's not as a straightforward.

There are ways to disable copy/paste on Android, but we haven't built them into CSEntry. Unfortunately, I can't really think of a solution that would address what you trying to accomplish.