Excel to CSPRO tool produce this error:Exception from HRESULT:0X800401A8

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Excel to CSPRO tool produce this error:Exception from HRESULT:0X800401A8

Post by mukaperu »

can you help me to solve this problem?

Excel to CSPRO tool produce this error:Exception from HRESULT:0X800401A8

error in creating lookup by using excel to cspro.PNG
error in creating lookup by using excel to cspro.PNG (70.43 KiB) Viewed 2511 times

Gregory Martin
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Re: Excel to CSPRO tool produce this error:Exception from HRESULT:0X800401A8

Post by Gregory Martin »

That is a generic error coming from Excel. It is hard to know what the problem might be. Some things to try:

1) Restart your computer. Does this still happen?

2) Write the file to a folder that is not in the Dropbox folder.

If you still have problems, can you send your dictionary and file to cspro@lists.census.gov?
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