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Operator/System Controlled programmatically

Posted: May 29th, 2016, 9:32 am
by htuser
Dear all,
I would like to know if it's possible to change Operator or System Controlled using logic. This is important because i would like to add case and system controlled and modify case in operator controlled mode.
Thanks in advance,

Re: Operator/System Controlled programmatically

Posted: May 31st, 2016, 2:55 pm
by josh
Unfortunately, there is no way to write an application that can execute in both operator and system controlled modes, depending on something that happens in logic. What mode you run in has to be known when the program starts.

Your best option may be to create a second data entry application, using the same dictionary, for your modify operations.

Re: Operator/System Controlled programmatically

Posted: May 31st, 2016, 3:25 pm
by Saint
Are there any specific reasons why you want the different modes for add and for modify? That could help give you some suggestions. For example, I sometimes define some checks to only run when in add mode but not in modify, and that has been useful for a number of applications.

Re: Operator/System Controlled programmatically

Posted: May 31st, 2016, 10:27 pm
by htuser
Thank you Josh and Saint.
The reason of my query, is that we designed an application having multiple page (form).
1.- We write some logic's to navigate between pages using move function who act as the skip function. Since some code depending on previous pages, in modification, when some page are skipped, some logic's became dysfunctional.
2.- We add advance to the move function then, when an enumerator want to modify a part of a case, that's take long time to navigate between pages because we're in system controlled mode.

It's because we want to perform initial data entry in system controlled and use operator controlled when enumerators want to modify a case already fully filled.

Greg and Josh already give me good idea/methods about, but if in the future we can have a way to use logic to change data entry mode, this will be better.

Best regards,