Problem with option "Automatically advance on selection" for Checkbox field

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Problem with option "Automatically advance on selection" for Checkbox field

Post by thierryt »

Hi all,
There is a new option on Cspro 7.0.2 for mobile named "Automatically advance on selection". It is very interesting for radio button fields. My problem is that, when i have a Chekbox field, when i select one value, the program automatically advance to the next field.
How can i do to fix it ?
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Re: Problem with option "Automatically advance on selection" for Checkbox field

Post by josh »

Sorry about this. It is a known issue. We are working on a fix for the next release.
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Re: Problem with option "Automatically advance on selection" for Checkbox field

Post by josh »

You can test out the fix if you use the beta version of CSPro 7.1 (
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Post by segxy4manu »

Use this syntax to run the two(2) questions that checkbox and the radio button
lets say the first question (multiple response)is:- Q1A
use the syntax bellow in it depending on how many value label you are using here i have A-K that is 1-11;


if alphachk( $, "ABCDEFGHIJK" ) then
errmsg("Codes entered are not acceptable");
$ = alphavar;

Now for the next question that will filter out the options selected in the Q1A checkbox to the next that will be radio button. using Q1B


string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJK";

// If only one reason is taken automatically set that as the
// main reason.
if length(strip(Q1A)) = 1 then
// If length of reasons is one then it is a single letter.
// To convert the single letter indicating the reason to the numeric
// code we find the position of the letter in the alphabet string so
// if the letter is A the code will be 1 (Place of immunization too far),
// if the letter is B the code will be 2 (Time of immunization inconvenient) etc...
Q1B = pos(strip(Q1A), alphabet);


// Build value set for main reason from checked
// reasons in reasons taken

numeric nextValueSetEntry = 1;

// loop through the reasons
numeric i;
do i = 1 while i <= 11
string letter = alphabet[i:1];
if pos(letter, Q1A) > 0 then
// This reason was checked, add to value set
codes(nextValueSetEntry) = i; // code is just current index
// get label from value set of this item (numeric codes), use the dictionary value
// set main_reason_VS1 and just main_reason which would give current value
// set that gets modified by this routine.
labels(nextValueSetEntry) = getlabel(Q1B_VS1, i);
nextValueSetEntry = nextValueSetEntry + 1;
codes(nextValueSetEntry) = notappl;
setvalueset(Q1B, codes, labels);

NOTE:-please you can change all the ..........._VS1 to the actual value set name you are using and those that has "A" ... mean "1"

thanks and i hope this work well for you cause its great using it in my program
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