Notes not being synchronized

Discussions about syncing data via Bluetooth, Dropbox, FTP, and using CSWeb
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Joined: December 27th, 2012, 1:36 pm

Re: Notes not being synchronized

Post by savy »

When a case is modified on a device it is stamped with a new version number. Any synchronization with the server will send the information about the case, version number and the device that modified it to the server. When cases are synced / downloaded to a client, first a check is made to see if the case on the client has the latest case based on the version number and case id and if it does not it will download this case. In the data you sent, two different csdb files have the same case "20972108211610" one with the note and the other without the note at the same version number modified on the same device. I am not sure how you got into this state as any modification to the case will increment the version number. A work around for you in this case is to force a change like adding the note again on the client and saving the case to force the version on the client is greater and then sync to the server again. Unfortunately, we are unable to reproduce your scenario and will investigate more.
Posts: 91
Joined: May 6th, 2017, 5:31 am

Re: Notes not being synchronized

Post by wimneel »

Thanks for your reply,

Following your suggestion I
1. edited the existing note, saved the case, synchronized and had DataViewer download the new data file from the server.
The note did not show up.
2. added a second note, saved and synchronized and dowloaded from the server. Still no note.

Do you want me to send you any data or log files?
Posts: 177
Joined: December 27th, 2012, 1:36 pm

Re: Notes not being synchronized

Post by savy »

Please do. Is the application you are using the same as that you sent us earlier? Also, can you send us the exact steps to replicate this problem?
What version of CSWeb are you using?
Posts: 91
Joined: May 6th, 2017, 5:31 am

Re: Notes not being synchronized

Post by wimneel »

I am using CSWeb 7.6.2, the latest version.
The app is the one I sent you.
What I did:
On the tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab E), I opened CSEntry and got to the case with the note, edited the note, then I advanced to the end and accepted the case. Next I synched with the server (got a message saying the synching was succesful) .
Then, from my laptop I opened DataViewer and dowloaded the data file from the server.

I will send you the files.

Thanks for your help.
Posts: 91
Joined: May 6th, 2017, 5:31 am

Re: Notes not being synchronized

Post by wimneel »

We are using CSWeb 7.6.0

I sent you the latest files.
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