Scrollbar in prompt multiline textboxes

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Scrollbar in prompt multiline textboxes

Post by juanf11 »


Would it be possible to add a scrollbar to the prompt textbox with the multiline attribute, when the inputted text exceeds the window size?

This greatly limits the input capabilities of a certain field, when you don't want to clutter the screen size with an inmense FIELD (note that this field is in a roster). It would be nice to have the same type of textbox used by 'Edit Note'. In fact, this just gave me a great idea of using something like:

Code: Select all

	putnote string = editnote(FIELD);
	FIELD = getnote($);
	putnote($) = "";
Although going around it in such an unorthodox way is bound to give some trouble later on.

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Re: Scrollbar in prompt multiline textboxes

Post by aaronw »

Not sure I follow. Can you provide a screenshot?
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Joined: July 7th, 2020, 2:19 pm

Re: Scrollbar in prompt multiline textboxes

Post by juanf11 »

Of course.

Here I'm using the prompt function in an onfocus procedure to fill the field value with the inputted value(s) in the prompt. However as you can see the line limit is 6, and pressing the 'enter' key won't allow any more line breaks to be inserted.

And the code used is

Code: Select all


	if DTES(curocc()) = "" then
		string texto = prompt("Ingrese los Demandantes, Accionantes, Querellantes o Solicitantes. Una (1) persona por línea","",multiline);
		DTES(curocc()) = maketext("%s",texto);


	if DTES(curocc()) = "" then
		errmsg("No ha colocado ningún texto. Se colocará 'No especifica'.")
		DTES(curocc()) = "No especifica";
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Re: Scrollbar in prompt multiline textboxes

Post by aaronw »

Oh I got you. Based on the use case for prompt I'm guessing it was assumed 6 lines was more than enough. I can mention it to the team.

Regarding your first post. I think using the notes input is a clever approach. I might do something like this.

($, false);
    $ =
protect($, true);
I protect the field, so the cursor is automatically advanced. This way you enter the response and never see the field.
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